Our partners.

  • Aleksandar Petrović


    Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade in 1990 with an average grade of 9.9.

    Member of the Belgrade Bar Association since 1991.

    Speaks English language.

    Specialised in telecommunications law, large commercial disputes before the commercial court and arbitration tribunals, administrative law, media law, large disputes concerning the division of matrimonial property and inheritance, foreign investments and privatisation, tax law, mergers and acquisitions, corporate crime.

  • Branislav Glogonjac


    Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade in 1980.

    Member of the Belgrade Bar Association since 1980.

    Member of the executive board of Serbia’s Bar Association.

    Specialised in real estate law and real estate transactions, legal procedures concerning registration in the land registry, commercial disputes, inheritance and family law, misdemeanour and criminal law.

  • Aleksandar Arsić


    Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade with an average grade of 9.5.

    Has a Master's degree from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade in labour and social law.

    Speaks English and Italian.

    Specialised in media law, commercial disputes, contract law, registration of business entities, insurance law, labour law, personal data protection, telecommunications.

  • Milica Milenković


    Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade with an average grade of 9.8.

    Speaks English and Spanish.

    Specialised in corporate restructuring, telecommunications, insurance law, lease agreements, banking law, contract law, commercial disputes, intellectual property law, restitution proceedings, inheritance and family law.

Our senior lawyers & experts.

  • Bojan Dostanić


    Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade with an average grade of 8.

    Speaks English.

    Specialised in labour law, enforcement proceedings, banking, and criminal law.

  • Ivana Cvetković Diafa


    Graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Belgrade with an average grade of 9.7.

    Speaks English and Greek.

    Specialised in labour law, contract law, commercial disputes, and real estate.

  • Draga Petrović


    Graduated from King’s College London with First Class Honours.

    Has a Masters in International Commercial Law from University College London (UCL).

    Currently a Visiting Lecturer in Contract Law at King’s College London.

    Specialised in competition law, international finance, and company law.